Wednesday 4 December 2019


The narrator also went to the same school I went. Through adulthood, Felscherinow continued to use illicit drugs and, in , she enrolled in a methadone programme, a course of action she has repeated several times since. In , the book was adapted into a film that was directed by Uli Edel , and produced by Bernd Eichinger and Hans Weth. Her mother was pretending that everything was normal, her dad was a POS, authorities were turning her away etc. A subculture of teenage girls in Germany began to emulate her style of dress and spent time around the Bahnhof Zoo, which became an unlikely tourist attraction. In it he writes that he killed himself because - parphrasing - "all junkies cause their friends and families harm. We read how young teenagers do drugs, go prostitute themselves because of their addiction, die on overdoses and feel like their life is over and meaningless at the age of christiane f drogada e prostituida livro

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It is a story of people, society, post-WW2 Germany. Prostitutes Protection Act Prostitution Act. In the middle of the book is a letter found on one Christiane's overdosed junkie friends. Since then Drogaa always been The most impressive book I've read before I was twenty years old. It was a chore to put it down. Christiaane thought it sounded very self-destructive, very ugly, very much a true and dirty therefore genuine, therefore romantic sort of existence for someone as unnecessary to the world as I.

I do not like it when I lose control of myself, to be dependent on something.

In response to a question of why she never discontinued illicit drug use, she explained: I was happy to find out that she's still alive. And as much as I would like to help to every postituida in this world not just to addictsI can't.

Eu, Christiane F., 13 anos, drogada, prostituída...

So, as a christaine it has worked very well for ME. Everyday we go through choices that lead us to different paths. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Meanwhile, 15 years older I just had to reread this classic from my youth and was still moved by it.

It does not seem that the problem has gotten smaller. In contrast, by the time I saw David Bowie live and more than middle-ageddrogad was: I always feel weird for reviewing biographies etc.

What I learned from this book: I boxed this book along with everything else and shoved it in the attic at my parents' house but recently found it again when I was sorting through stuff and let christianr tell you, it's just as powerful as it was back then.

If you have a friend or family member who has a drug addiction problem this is a good book to read.

christiane f drogada e prostituida livro

You may either use people or let other people use you. There will be a time you will get hooked in a seemingly unending cycle where there would be no escaping. There is no big reveal, mind-blowing twists or happily ever after, as there is no such things in real life. By the end of it the helplessness of the barely functioning juveniles really got to me. The reader will be pulled into the scene with Christiane F.

christiane f drogada e prostituida livro

Felscherinow contracted hepatitis C from an infected needle in the late s. Burroughs and Genesis P-Orridge. The book chronicles Felscherinow's life from tobetween the ages of 12 and 15 years, and depicts several of Felscherinow's friends, along with other drug users, as well as scenes from typical locations of the Berlin drug scene at the time.

There are long parts in which Christiane narrates her disease, her desperate craving for the drug, her environment, her 'true' love for Detlef and, of course, her wounded childhood beaten by her father as her mother pretended to look at the other side; there are smaller and never unimportant relates of her social welfare assistent, her pshychologist, her mother and even the state attorney who presented a case against her.

Eu, Christiane F., 13 anos, drogada, prostituída by Christiane F.

She started with hashish and alcohol, moved on to Valium, Quaaludes and other pills, and was finally addicted to heroin. How to shoot dope. The two hours extended to two months, as Felscherinow provided an in-depth description of her life, as well as those of other teenagers, in West Berlin during the s. We pretend that we don't see anything. It sounds like witch hunt to me - scare them to Hell so we won't have to worry. It is curious that Station Zoo is part of the German literature curriculum in high schools throughout Germany, except the schools belonging to the Gropiusstadt school district.

I read this book a long time ago and I loved it. What bothers me most of all is this Christiane F.

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